Ranveer Singh is poised to deliver another stellar and intriguing performance in his upcoming film, Dhurandhar. Recently, images from the set of the film were leaked and quickly went viral. These images showcase his stunning transformation, featuring a rugged beard, long, untamed hair, and a turban. Fans are comparing his intense new look to his iconic portrayal of Alauddin Khilji in Padmaavat. It will be exciting to see him take on this new character and bring it to life. In the meantime, let’s take a look at his past quote about preparing for the role of Khilji in Padmaavat.
In an interview, Ranveer revealed how he embodied Khilji’s ruthless and menacing persona, which was one his best performances. The actor revealed the process of how he brings character to life, saying, “Your ability is no good if you don’t apply yourself. I enjoy the process of creating a character with different voices, mannerisms, and body language. Given the time and the bandwidth, I’d like to do it more.”
Ranveer revealed during the filming of Padmaavat, how he locked himself away for weeks, avoiding contact with people to embody Khilji’s menacing persona. To stay close to the set, he shifted to a new apartment nearby, saving travel time and immersing himself completely in the role. He also read extensively about the tyrant ruler to perfect his portrayal.
Ranveer brought the same intensity to Gully Boy, undergoing rigorous training for 10 months with real-life rappers Divine and Naezy to master the art of rapping. His hard work and commitment paid off, as he seamlessly transformed into a street rapper from Mumbai.
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He is known for his electrifying energy and versatility and has delivered unforgettable performances that have left a lasting impact. From the intense Alauddin Khilji in Padmaavat to the heroic Peshwa Bajirao in Bajirao Mastani, his roles showcase his unparalleled dedication. These roles, requiring both physical and emotional dedication, highlight Ranveer’s versatility and passion, solidifying his reputation as one of Bollywood’s finest and most transformative actors and we cant wait to know more about his upcoming role in Dhurandhar.